FREE Driving Licence Practice Test Online

In order to be able to legally drive on public roads in India, one must have a valid Driving Licence and in order to do so, the first step is to procure a Learning Licence. This document can be availed by Indian citizens above the age of 16 (with written parental consent if they are not adults). Applicants who wish to avail a Learning Licence will have to pass a written test, either online or offline. The questions asked will be of a multiple choice question format, wherein applicants will have to select the correct answer. Applicants will have to get a minimum number of correct answers to pass this test.

Check your road knowledge with these questions based on official Indian government sources. Whether you are an already licensed driver holding the official driving licence or working towards your learning licence, it’s always worth checking the state of your road knowledge. There are explanations of each answer so that if you get a question wrong you will be able to learn why and remember. Test yourself before attending the driving licence test!

Test yourself before attending the driving licence test!